Obsidian sync and Google drive

What I’m trying to do

I’ve been using Google Drive for syncing my vault between mobile and PC. Now I’ve got Obsidian sync but I just sync .md files to phone. However I want my PC vault synced to Google Drive for PDF’s and other large files.

Will adding remote vault to google drive break things? I lost the connection to Google Drive and have to re setup vault from remote vault and I’m afraid to break things.

The second solution

Make a mobile friendly vault for obsidian sync. Then I will have 2 vaults and need a way to sync them on PC.

Yes, having the two conflicting sync services will cause problems

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If only 1 device is connected to Drive, you can do it. But with 2 or more the sync services will interfere with each other.

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I use sync on my desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet…
And I make a backup of my vault from my desktop into my google drive

It’s fine, I just have to be careful with the sync latency

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Thank you all for helpful answers. Somehow link to the PC folder is broken. Will relinking it cause any problems?

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