Obsidian Starter Vault is now v1.0

After a year of using Obsidian, I am finally ready to share my recommended starter vault configuration.


This is a clean, uncluttered, minimalist setup for beginner or advanced Obsidian users. While it is minimalist it is also opinionated. Take a look for yourself and see how you might adapt it to your needs.

At least one test user was able to use this GitHub template with the Visual Studio Code Foam plugin too.

Good luck and happy note-taking and note-making.

Warning: There are two crufty bits in this starter vault as a result of GitHub best practices. Feel free to remove the README.md and LICENSE files after you fork the repository with the “Use this template” button.

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Hmm, nothing there. Just the readme and license files.


Exactly. And, I am serious about the advice, the year in getting there, and my hope that many will adopt this Obsidian Starter.

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This is the direct link. It’s a GitHub thing.