Obsidian should remember window(s) position

Use case or problem

I use upwards of 10+ virtual desktops in Windows 11. I would like that when I close Obsidian and reopen it, all of the instances and windows, should open on the desktops they were last opened on. All other programs that I use do this it seems for example Chrome. I would like it to remember its position with individual instances of Obsidian, and with the new ‘Open in new window’ feature.

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I would like to see this feature as well. I’m on Linux (Fedora) and I utilize workspaces for different projects, for which I have different notes.

Edit: it seems like this is not supported on Electron, which is the framework Obsidian relies on. Sigh. As an end user, this is the number one reason I hate Electron applications. Too often there’s some normal use case that just doesn’t work there like it does on other desktop apps. And Electron app developers just have to point their fingers at the framework.