Obsidian Shortcut Launcher: Selected Text + Drafts actions + Shortcuts

There’s an amazingly powerful new plug-in that Federico Viticci and Finn Voorhees just posted, called “Obsidian Shortcut Launcher”. It allows macOS/iOS/iPadOS users to run Apple Shortcuts on input from within Obsidian. I’m particularly excited about using this plugin to access the powerful actions in Drafts, which can be run via Shortcuts, and now with selected text in Obsidian as the input. The sky’s the limit. For a recent discussion of this plugin, you might like to listen to Federico discussing the plugin on the Connected podcast (at minute 59): 382: It Does the Nib Nib — Connected — Overcast


Here’s a link to the plugin’s repo for the podcast-averse: https://github.com/macstories/obsidian-shortcut-launcher

My first use for this plugin is to get a better word count: https://github.com/lukeleppan/better-word-count/issues/30#issuecomment-1025241909