Obsidian Run in Portable Mode?

I also think it would be great to have Portable Mode of Obsidian (No registry, saving data to the local folder).
Even if it is set by a flag to the launcher.

In the meantime I created my own launcher:

@echo off

:: Creating Folders
if not exist "%~dp0User\ProgramData" mkdir "%~dp0User\ProgramData"
if not exist "%~dp0User\Public" mkdir "%~dp0User\Public"
if not exist "%~dp0User\AppData\Roaming" mkdir "%~dp0User\AppData\Roaming"
if not exist "%~dp0User\Documents" mkdir "%~dp0User\Documents"
if not exist "%~dp0User\AppData\Local\Temp" mkdir "%~dp0User\AppData\Local\Temp"

:: Setting Env Variables
set ALLUSERSPROFILE=%~dp0User\ProgramData\Roaming
set APPDATA=%~dp0User\AppData
set LOCALAPPDATA=%~dp0User\AppData\Local
set HOMEPATH=%~dp0User
set ProgramData=%~dp0User\ProgramData
set Public=%~dp0User\Public
set TEMP=%~dp0User\AppData\Local\Temp
set TMP=%~dp0User\AppData\Local\Temp
set USERPROFILE=%~dp0User

:: if not exist "%dp0User\Documents\Obsidian" goto message
goto message
goto start

echo PORTABLE Obsidian
echo -------------------------------

start Obsidian.exe

Save is as ObsidianLauncher.bat in the folder of Obsidian after extracting it using 7-Zip.

It won’t handle registry cleanup but it will keep what’s saved in files in the application folder.

By the way, I’d suggest the developers to create a PortableApps variant.
If there application doesn’t use registry and it will add a flag for local storage of data (Or at least choosing the path for storage) I don’t mind creating it on my own.