Obsidian Publish window / setup

I experiment as much as I can, but the Obsidian Publish publishing window discourages me with each attempt. I find this really confusing.
I haven’t found any resources that fully try to explain the logic of how it works, other than very vague and non-detailed things.
And yet I started with a simple structure: I created a folder named “publish” with inside the structure that I want to see published, since it’s a very small part of all my notes.
Some examples of behaviors that I don’t understand, in bulk:

When I modify something in this folder, and I select it to update it, Obsidian deletes the contents of this folder on the publish site, and I have to start the operation again.
Yet in the window, I did not click on an “unpublish” button, but on “publish”.

Sometimes I change something in a note, but when I want to update, nothing appears in the “changed” section.

If I select my “Publish” folder in the window (in order to update the whole folder), it sometimes says “To delete” selected in red, while the other files are selected in another color.
And I can also check or uncheck each of these different files…
Above, a mention: “select to unpublish” (???), while the “general” button at the bottom mentions “Publish”.
What am I supposed to understand about all this??

I’m just trying to update the folder that interests me, whether it’s new, updated or deleted files.
Why is it so complicated to understand the logic of this window?
I intend to get rid of WordPress (which I hate and no longer use) and the simplicity of being able to unify the writing / publishing process promised by Obsidian Publish is for the moment a little compromised by this (still too) obscure window!

Any help with setup or detailed walkthrough is welcome, thanks!

I tried another method: updating a file by right-clicking on the file name (“publish current file”).
Not only does this create a duplicate, but these duplicates are… buggy (?).
Either they refuse to display, or the modifications simply do not display.

More precisely, the modified versions (online on Publish) of these notes, although appearing in the sidebar, refuse to display.

I repeat that I did not duplicate these files, I simply modified them, and re-published / updated them via right-click / “publish current file”.

(I of course emptied the caches and forced the refresh of the web page in the browser)

One note here. Obsidian publish operates under the idea that you publish the whole vault. If you just publish a sub directory of your vault, everything will be under publish.obsidian.md/username/publish

the rest of what you are describing does not make sense and should not happen. I wonder if you activated some filters (or yaml property within a file) and forgot about it.


Hi, thanks

My Vault is called “Writings”

and the folder I use to work with for Obsidian Publish is called “Publish” and is inside this “Writings” folder.

The publish site is under:
(I don’t know why there are capital letters, unlike your example, and if it matters.)

I activated a filter but i can’t see the point in it. I thought this would allow me to select which folder I want to work within (excluding others) for Obsidian Publish.
Apparently it does just a selection-thing.