If I share an obsidian Publish page, let’s say a blog entry — it is possible to use an Image or Photo in the Thumbnail of the Obsidian Publish page, like for example on X.
Social media link preview is not working for me either, and I have tried everything I know to make it work.
One can add an image using the “image” or “cover” metadata/property. However, I don’t see any reference to the image by inspecting the published note webpage and *social media platform posting window HTML code.
Is there any way to check the overriding process between the note’s YAML metadata and the final meta tag, the one with “og:image”?
I have the same issue. I tried to share a link on Linkedin but the social preview as I want it (with my own description and image overriding the meta tags) does not work. Is this a bug or me who do not understand how it works? for information, I created both description and image properties. and I tried several URLs for the image: absolute and relative links, within " ".
Same issue here - even with the image:url_to_image parameter in the metadata the image doesn’t display with the post on LinkedIn. Is there a fix to this issue?
Can everyone affected by this issue post a screenshot of the source mode version of their cover/image art in the frontmatter? I’ll need this for testing purposes. Thank you!