I have a vault that I would like to be available online by using Obsidian Publish, and currently it is available but there are some issues I’m trying to iron out. I’ve successfully gotten my vault to appear at a custom domain using CloudFlaire, but the way that the site looks is an issue. I use the Front Matter Title plugin to define titles for my notes by using the value of the ‘Title’ property in the YAML frontmatter of each note, and this works beautifully when I access the vault locally. Of course, this plugin does not transfer over to the Publish site, but I was reading that as long as my site is hosted on my own domain, which it is, I can create a publish.js file at the root of my vault and use this to alter the function of the site.
So ideally, my goal is to use the publish.js file to alter the function of the publish site such that the displayed titles are the Title values found in the frontmatter of each note. I’ve been playing around with the document object but I keep running into strange bugs that don’t have any explanation, and unfortunately online it seems that documentation related to the publish.js file and it’s capabilities is sorely lacking. I’d appreciate any tips or pointers on how my goal could potentially be accomplished.