Obsidian Plugin Stats

I made a webapp, Obsidian Plugin Stats, to show the stats of Obsidian Plugins.

This can be used to view

  • the plugin that has hit community plugin list in the last 10 days (obtaining it from the community-plugins.json file in obsidian-releases repo)
  • the plugins for which a latest version has been released in the last 10 days.
  • top 25 most downloaded plugins (ever from the beginning)
  • tags that the developer has annotated the github repository with
  • tags can be drilled down to view the list of plugins under that tag


  • find the trending plugins based on the download trend in the last 10 days.
  • the webapp is not viewable on mobile as of now. Have to make it mobile compatible.
  • add info in the webapp explaining how the various categories are computed.

Take a look at the site from the desktop/laptop. Looking forward for feedback and suggestions from the community.

Repo - ganesshkumar/obsidian-plugins-stats-ui (github.com)


That’s really cool.