Has anyone managed to get obsidian to work on mobile through emulation? I have heard that Android is a variation of Linux so maybe we could get the Linux version of obsidian to run on an Android device using userLAnd?
Not tried to use emulator. What do you hope to get over just a text editor, when using a phone?
On iOS I have been happy paying for 1Writer and usingDropbox sync to work nicely together.
While you wait for a more official way, have you tried using a markdown editor apps?
that’s a really interesting idea, I havn’t tried it, I don’t think it would be that easy to set up though.
I use linux and android, so I see where you are coming from, considering there’s no good android app that allows linking obsidian notes (that I’m aware of)
to @tristanbailey 's point, I tried 1writer on an iphone and I looks great, unfortunatly for us android users, we are still a bit stuck, since 1writer is an iphone only app.
I use ia writer for android, but not having the ability to use [[links]] is really frustrating
perhaps setting up an android emulator for vim with vimwiki might be an easier set up, but I’m not sure how good it’d work
@santi Yes I have not researched the android options, there must me some md editor that will add it.
In 1Writer I did find, it needs the full file links to be clickable on the phone, and in obsidian I let it strip the path and .md so not all link unless I revert that, but mostly I use it for writing and not the links when on my phone.
Good luck
got you, I didn’t know 1writer had that limitation, thanks I’ll keep looking for andrioid ways to use [[links]], but yeah when it comes to fust writing android does have a few different apps as well
Have you tried Epsilon Notes with the modifications suggested in a post on the forum?
For me, there are too many minor niggles with all the apps for me to use them as a mobile Obsidian.
I havn’t yet tried Epsilon, I’ll give it a go, thank you!