Obsidian October 2023 daily progress and learnings

This is the forum thread to post your Obsidian October 2023 daily progress and learnings as you go.

For those who don’t know, Obsidian October is the Obsidian tradition to build something cool during the month of October. It could be a plugin, a theme, a demo vault, or sharing your workflow in a blog post.

If ideas like “maybe I can build a plugin that does XYZ” have come to you, this is the perfect time to start, since you’ll have lots of company. If you need technical support, there is a channel called “obsidian-october-2023” on our Discord where our team frequents and might be able to help you out.

Keep on building!


Should it be a brand new plugin? Or can it be adding a cool new feature to an existing plugin?

It’s 22 November today (my time), so I reckon this year’s Obsidian October has passed.

Time to start thinking about next year :brain:

Oh, sorry. Discord notifications tricked me