So I’m working on a plugin - posted this about it over on discord yesterday (a few more details there too) as I decided to try and get it over the final hurdles for an initial release before the end of the month
Time to fess up to some plugin development activity! Basically, I’m working on a Kanban like plugin CardBoard. I started back in Feb and have been working on it sporadically since. Obsidian October has spurred me on to see if I can get it into shape to release into the wild. Ooh, and I am writing it in elm.
What does it do? Basically, it tracks regular markdown tasks in your vault and displays them on a (Kanban-like) board. It supports 2 types of board at the moment;
- date based which works with the daily notes plugin (although you can use it without this if you add due dates to tasks), and
- tag based where tasks will be shown in columns defined by #tags.
Anything indented under a task is interpreted as either notes or sub-tasks and displayed on the card.
It looks like this (with the Obsidian Nord theme)
Yesterday summary
more haste == less speed
I got the settings form done for the date-based board. I am (currently) handling this on the plugin page rather than using the standard obsidian plugin settings pages (so the plugin is more self contained and cause I prefer writing elm to typescript - and if I want to get it finished before the end of October…).
However, I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to work out why I couldn’t read the settings I’d written to disk - argggh! Should have spent more time understanding what I was doing rather than just blindly copying things and hoping for the best.
Better tests would have caught the problem too. Will be adding those today and then (hopefully) getting on with developing rather than debugging