What I’m trying to do
Im trying to write a document which contains a lot of mathematical equations. I used latex to render math but at some point the equation (correctly written) stopped being rendered as shown:
This is very weird because the syntax is correct and sometimes the equation render fine
Things I have tried
I tried closing and reopening Obsidian and that fixed the problem, but if I change anything in the equation it might disappear again
January 31, 2025, 11:32am
Looking at your screenshot isn’t really going to help anyone help you.
Please paste all the math in a code block surrounded by four (or more) backticks like this
some important stuff
Ok, thank you.
Blocks that works:
$$\exists\ \epsilon > 0 : f(n) = O(n^{\log_{b}{a-\epsilon}}) \implies{T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_{b}a})}\tag{1}\label{prima}$$
$$\exists\ k\geq0 : f(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_{b}{a}}\cdot{\log^{k}n}) \implies T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_{b}{a}}\cdot{\log^{k+1}n})\tag{2}\label{seconda}$$
Block that isn’t working:
$$\exists \ \epsilon>0 : f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_{b}{a+\epsilon}})+\eqref{regularity} \tag{3}\label{terza}$$
This is common MathJax problem and you have to stop using Live preview which is not compatible with MathJax.
See also this community plugin: No More Flickering Inline Math