Obsidian erases theme settings on every start

What I’m trying to do

I recently moved to linux (Mint) - and I used both: The flatpack and the appimage version. Both have the same problem:

When I reboot my machine it handles my vault as a “new” one - it gets reindexed. That would be fine.

But it also resets all the things I have done to customize my theme (anupuccin). The settings are gone.

Things I have tried

I tried both versions of the app. I tried to give obisidian flatpack more rights through the “flatseal” app, but it did not help.

Are there Linux users here who have mastered this? Any help (besides from "Go back to Macos :wink: ) is appreciated.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Recently installed Linux Mint and long time Ubuntu/Xubuntu user.
Never used flatpak, hardly any snap, only debian (not on Arch) and appimage.

I’d check the folder you use for your Obsidian folder and obsidian config folder (.config) for root privileges. Obsidian needs user, non-root privileges, at least for the vault location, that is for sure.
Cannot think of anything else as a solid reason.

Hey Yurcee,

thank you for your input! :slight_smile:

I found the solution in moving the app image file to the /opt folder (not in the home but the root directory). That somehow did the trick.

I created a folder there named Obisidian and moved the app image there.

Now my settings are stored and my theme is the same when I reboot. :slight_smile:


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