Obsidian editable dataview tables

Hi, obsidian community.

I created a new custom dataview view (pun intented), that provides functionality to edit basic dataview. It’s different from Obsidian DB Folder, so it doesn’t have:

  • a separate UI to view, so you can include it in note
  • a different syntax for formula fields

Custom view is an MVP for a separate plugin. I want to understand whether it is necessary to rewrite, based on the community response.

Source link for tables:

Leave your bugs and suggestions on github issues. :upside_down_face:



This is true for the example vault. Probably installation problems: “Copy folder inlinedb to dataview scripts folder.”

Tried to place inlinedb folder in

  1. …\example_vault.obsidian\plugins\inlinedb
  2. …\example_vault.obsidian\plugins\dataview\inlinedb

and basically everywhere in the vault.

async view(viewName, input) {
viewName = “inlinedb”
input = query: “table start_date, draft from “blog””

let viewFile = this.app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(viewPath, this.currentFilePath);

viewPath = “inlinedb/view.js”
this.currentFilePath = “how to convert in inlinedb.md”

viewFile = null


Could you please confirm if the plugin works?

Hi! It does :slight_smile: Thanks a lot. Only one thing, I hd to delete the “;” at the end of the query. Otherwise I got a Type not found error.