I have a template that I record certain things related to my knitting projects. For yarn, these include among other things (this is how much is in one skein):
weight: 100g
length: 400m
When I’m making a table of this, with the dataview code:
link(file.link, file.title) AS "Socks",
yarn.weight AS "Yarn Weight",
yarn.length AS "Yarn Length",
needles.used AS "Needles"
FROM #beta/crafts/knitting/sock-project AND -"z-system"
The meters are changed to time: I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong! See below the picture for the result of the above query.
That’s an unfortunate side effect of Dataview trying to understand durations and dates in your properties. You can circumvent it by using file.frontmatter.yarn.length
Had the same problem and I couldn’t find a solution, so I used dataviewjs and pars the numbers.
// Function to parse and convert strings like "15,20 km" or "32 m" to numbers
function parseNumber(text) {
if (!text) return 0;
// Remove non-numeric characters (except commas and dots), and parse as a number
let number = parseFloat(String(text).replace(/[^\d,.-]/g, '').replace(',', '.'));
return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number;
And than at the bottom when I create a table I call this function:
// Render the table with parsed values
dv.table(["Distance", "Ascent"],
entries.map(p => [
parseNumber(p.Distance) + " km", // Parse the Distance and append " km"
parseNumber(p.Ascent) + " m" // Parse the Ascent and append " m"
Thanks, this is why I don’t believe in AI, it doesn’t understand me
I actually circumvented it with using yarn.m instead of yarn.length. Just means that I need to convert to meters if the length is in yards.
I will try this! My circumvention worked (I only had like 3 notes so far, so it wasn’t a lot of work to change), but in general I like solutions that work for more general cases… I had the original idea that I could record the length in meters or in yards, but in general I use meters, so my circumvention is not a bad one…