Obsidian crashes on mobile

The Obsidian keeps crashing on my iPhone.
Super frustrating…

Whenever I am typing a note, after about on sentence of a half of a sentence, just merely a few words into it, it

  1. Closes current file.
  2. Creates a copy of the current file.
  3. Loses/Deletes the original.

In most of the cases, the latest updates I did, for the most part (not completely), will be preserved in the original file or a dublicate. Sometimes, the original file gets deleted altogetherl. Usually, I can still find the original file on my desktop… and then it restores in both locations. As soon as I open ANY new note or previous file, from a template or a blank one, within 1-3 minutes, it will crash.

What I’m trying to do

Just taking notes in files that I created.

Things I have tried

Tried removing the app and installing it again.
Tried disabling ALL plugins (core and community) - keeps crashing.

Note: this is happening only on my iPhone. The desktop version is impeccable. Using it on a phone - is paramount!!! (sincing with Apple cloud)
Any advice?

Same happened to me, someone please fix this i will lose all my lifetime worth of work.

iCloud with Mac or Windows desktop? I read around here that iCloud on Windows is troublesome. Never heard of trouble on the iPhone side.

I myself am just researching how to get started, and am considering the remote-save plugin to use with iPad and Windows Obsidians choosing Dropbox as my sync service (though others are supported).

Do you perhaps have some unusually large or otherwise strange file in your vault, like this person did?

I have a mac. And an Iphone.Setup sync with iCloud sync: when I am not on wifi, Obsidian never even loads for me, and on wifi - once it loads - it crashes and/or creates duplicate files. Just discovered totally lost a big document full of notes on a book that took weeks to put together…

Perhaps go to iOS’s settings and turn off Obsidian’s permission to use iCloud, restart the phone, and reenable the permission.

When did this start happening?

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