Obsidian-Charts, date not in ascending order in chart

What I’m trying to do

So I have been trying to use the Obsidian Charts plugin to make a dataviewjs scrip for tracking things like the hours of sleep i get. I put this info in my daily note and want to use that info to make a line chart, i have watched a yt video for it and made a script that works, however it puts the data in the chart in order of creation of the file. So if i had a daily note from 29-11 and 28-11 the 29-11 would come in front of the 28-11, how do I fix this, so that the data is in ascending order of date?
I have the properties Hours_Sleep, Date and tags with #daily_note in the daily notes. This is the script i currently have:

// Define the date range
const startDate = new Date("2024-12-01"); // Start date (in YYYY-MM-DD for JavaScript)
const endDate = new Date("2024-12-31");  // End date

// Fetch and filter pages based on the date range
const pages = dv.pages('#daily_note and -"06 Templates"')
    .filter(p => {
        const dateMatch = p.file.name.match(/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/); // Match DD-MM-YYYY
        if (!dateMatch) {
            console.log(`File skipped (no valid date): ${p.file.name}`);
            return false; // Skip files without valid dates
        // Rearrange DD-MM-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD for parsing
        const [day, month, year] = dateMatch[0].split('-');
        const pageDate = new Date(`${year}-${month}-${day}`);
        console.log(`Parsed date for file: ${p.file.name} -> ${pageDate}`);
        return pageDate >= startDate && pageDate <= endDate; // Check range
    .sort(p => {
        const dateMatch = p.file.name.match(/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/);
        const [day, month, year] = dateMatch[0].split('-');
        return new Date(`${year}-${month}-${day}`); // Sort by rearranged date

// Extract the dates and Hours_Sleep values from the filtered pages
const rawDates = pages.map(p => p.file.name.match(/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/)?.[0]); // Extract raw date strings
const dates = rawDates; // Keep as DD-MM-YYYY since it matches the file name format
const Hours_Sleep = pages.map(p => p.Hours_Sleep).values;

// Ensure there's data to display
if (dates.length === 0 || Hours_Sleep.length === 0) {
    dv.span("No valid data found for the selected date range.");
} else {
    // Prepare the chart data
    const chartData = {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: dates, // Use DD-MM-YYYY directly for labels
            datasets: [{
                label: 'Hours of Sleep', 
                data: Hours_Sleep, 
                backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 123, 255, 1)', // Blue for sleep
                borderColor: 'rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8)', 
                borderWidth: 1,

    // Render the chart
    window.renderChart(chartData, this.container);

Things I have tried

I have tried using chatgpt, but that gives even more erros everytime it comes up with an ‘answer’. Help would be appreciated, as I don’t have a lot of knowledge about this:)

well this was not very necessary, I just started to trouble shoot a bit and out of absolute luck I succeeded by using: .sort(p => p.Date, “asc”)

// Define the date range
const startDate = new Date("2024-12-01"); // Start date (in YYYY-MM-DD for JavaScript)
const endDate = new Date("2024-12-31");  // End date

// Fetch and filter pages based on the date range
const pages = dv.pages('#daily_note and -"06 Templates"')
    .filter(p => {
        const dateMatch = p.file.name.match(/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/); // Match DD-MM-YYYY
        if (!dateMatch) {
            console.log(`File skipped (no valid date): ${p.file.name}`);
            return false; // Skip files without valid dates
        // Rearrange DD-MM-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD for parsing
        const [day, month, year] = dateMatch[0].split('-');
        const pageDate = new Date(`${year}-${month}-${day}`);
        console.log(`Parsed date for file: ${p.file.name} -> ${pageDate}`);
        return pageDate >= startDate && pageDate <= endDate; // Check range
    .sort(p => p.Date, "asc")

// Extract the dates and Basal_Temperature values from the filtered pages
const rawDates = pages.map(p => p.file.name.match(/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}/)?.[0]); // Extract raw date strings
const dates = rawDates; // Keep as DD-MM-YYYY since it matches the file name format
const Basal_Temperature = pages.map(p => p.Basal_Temperature).values; // Change to Basal_Temperature

// Ensure there's data to display
if (dates.length === 0 || Basal_Temperature.length === 0) {
    dv.span("No valid data found for the selected date range.");
} else {
    // Prepare the chart data
    const chartData = {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: dates, // Use DD-MM-YYYY directly for labels
            datasets: [{
                label: 'Basal Temperature (°C)', // Change label to Basal Temperature
                data: Basal_Temperature, // Use Basal_Temperature data
                backgroundColor: 'rgba(138, 0, 0, 1)', // Blue for temperature
                borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)', 
                borderWidth: 1,

    // Render the chart
    window.renderChart(chartData, this.container);