I am as far from a CSS expert as one can get, so with that being said, this gave me the yellow I was looking for. If you want it a bit fainter, just reduce the 0.40 to something less until it suits your eyes. If you want the shade stronger, then of course adjust the number upward.
@BruceS I can assure you I am farther from a CSS expert than you. However I was able to open the file and find the identical line and copy your parameters. Thanks so much for the help. @lizardmenfromspace I look forward to checking out your changes. This is a great theme.
Thanks for this theme! One thing I noticed is that words don’t wrap if you make the screen smaller vertically. This leads to that you can’t see what you’re typing if you’ve been typing at the end of a line and then press enter for a new line and start typing there.
@neo_4nderson I know you recreated this theme without the roam name. Where is the link for the newly named theme so I can put it on my list? @moderators might want to consider deleting this thread?