Obsidian Boom Theme


Roam Theme for Obsidian

Only Light theme


Link: GitHub - sainadh-d/obsidian-boom: Boom Theme for Obsidian (Inspired by Roam Research)


  1. Download obsidian.css file
  2. In Obsidian click Settings->Plugins and turn on “Custom CSS”.
  3. Put the “obsidian.css” in your vault root folder.
  4. Enjoy!

Is it a different Inter? Obsidian comes with Inter so I think we’re covered there.

Thats true! Thanks. I’ve edited the post.

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Sorry for the newby question but how do manage #1 ?

I think @neo_4nderson might have forgotten to upload or link to their beautiful theme.

If it’s on GitHub, I can add it to the community theme list too, let me know!


Very nice. Thanks to @neo_4nderson for making this.

PS - I do wish I knew how to make the highlights yellow again

Thanks for finding it! I added it to the original post too.

@neo_4nderson do you mind if I put it on our community theme settings tab?

I am as far from a CSS expert as one can get, so with that being said, this gave me the yellow I was looking for. If you want it a bit fainter, just reduce the 0.40 to something less until it suits your eyes. If you want the shade stronger, then of course adjust the number upward.


.cm-s-obsidian span.cm-formatting-highlight, .cm-s-obsidian span.cm-highlight {
background-color: rgba(255, 242, 0, 0.40);

I’m making some adjustments to it @greasemonkey with that being included. I’ll post the CSS somewhere once I’m done

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@BruceS I can assure you I am farther from a CSS expert than you. However I was able to open the file and find the identical line and copy your parameters. Thanks so much for the help. @lizardmenfromspace I look forward to checking out your changes. This is a great theme.

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Yay glad it worked out!

Thanks for picking an easy fix commensurate with my level of expertise. :joy:

@Silver. Not at all. Please go ahead. Thanks!

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@lizardmenfromspace Pls feel free to raise a PR here, if its any bug fixes :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this theme! One thing I noticed is that words don’t wrap if you make the screen smaller vertically. This leads to that you can’t see what you’re typing if you’ve been typing at the end of a line and then press enter for a new line and start typing there.

Yep. Thanks for informing. Will see if I can fix that.

@greasemonkey here is the remix, Obsidian Roam Theme Remix

Unfortunately in a continuing exposition of my ignorance of css I have to ask how I download the remix?

@neo_4nderson I know you recreated this theme without the roam name. Where is the link for the newly named theme so I can put it on my list? @moderators might want to consider deleting this thread?