Obsidian Books – More than a book

I just published an Obsidian Book on management (link, keep reading even after it mentions Roam – it’s available both in Roam and Obsidian format).

This is a great way to learn about management and build a body of best practices using Obsidian. Some examples below.

What is a Obsidian Book?

An Obsidian Book is an Obsidian vault that is packaged and distributed as a book. It has a similar size, it contains a table of contents, has chapters, and so on. However, unlike a book, you can explore it non-linearly. You can take notes on it, and even change the text. If you import it into your own vault, you can directly link to it within your notes.

Using an Obsidian Book

There are so many things you can do with an Obsidian Book. For example, many chapters of this book contain exercises. If you import them into your own vault, you can link those exercises with your to-do list for tomorrow.

Other chapters contain best practices. You can link to them for reference on your pages describing how you’ll approach some tasks. Everything connects.

Moreover, you can choose a highlight a concept and – in Obsidian fashion – by typing [[ you can create a page for it and immediately see all linked instances. What a great way to explore the book, and to make it a part of your body of knowledge!

Hi! I’m Luca Dellanna, author of 7 books and independent researcher on adaptive systems. I’m based in Turin (Italy) but also spend lot of time in Singapore.


the idea sounds very fascinating - can you please record a video of how you would use the book as that would let us clearly understand all the benefits.

I just correcting, it is not “BOOK” how he is calling it it is “VAULT with .md file” that contains the content of the book, with links, etc… We should not call it a book. It is just specialised vault.

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Very interesting. Are you doing the Ergodicity book in Obsidian form too?

Hey Luca, this is amazing. thanks for this.

That’s a great selection of books.