Once you’ve done the above, delete everything above this line.
Steps to reproduce
- Download and install the latest version of Obsidian.
- Launch Obsidian.
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]
Yes.Expected result
Obsidian and its vault manager launch without flashing white.Actual result
Obsidian's main GUI and vault manager flash white when launched.Note: The main GUI flashes white every launch. The vault manager flashes white sometimes.
Obsidian version: v1.8.4
Installer version: v1.8.4
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19045
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
Note: The flash is worse than the video depicts. It encompasses a larger area in my main vault with more notes.
Additional information: The problem first appeared in version 1.5.8. It is not present in versions 1.5.3 and earlier, at least the one’s that I tested.