Working on a plugin that brings gaming vibes to note-taking. Meet Numenu, a numeric hotkey nav system. Speedrun your notes with Num keys, auto-detect emojis for stylish folder flair, drag & drop to customize menu order, fully responsive: PC, tablet, or phone.
Would you try it? What’s on your wishlist? Let me know! Feedback will help shape the beast. Code’s on GitHub, but it’s still early days.
and here is the link GitHub - TobiasSchaeuble/NuMenu: Navigate through your notes with lightning speed using numeric shortcuts
Looks really interesting, and seems like it could fit with the Johnny Decimal system really well. Thanks for the work!
Can you help me with this? This is totally a great idea and I want it in my vault - but when I follow the instructions in the Readme file, I get an error that says failed to load plugin numenu. Brat doesn’t work either - sorry I am a newb. Thanks!
thanks for the hint. so far the plugin only takes emojis that are at the beginning of the file/folder. Possible idea a setting “Johnny Decimal” which takes numbers into account at the beginning.
of course.
i had not yet made a release and so you would have had to compile it yourself.
i have now made a first alpha release. and you can download it (the three files main.js, manifest.json and styles.css) into the plugin/numenu folder.