Notes section (Inside Notes)

I’m looking for a way to visually differentiate notes (inside notes) ((Why didn’t you people named them pages?))

I’m taking my notes locally from cisco learning platform and on some exam questions you get a small explanation of the answer like a note, but in a box with different bg color. I already searched for this but since the pages are called notes, It’s impossible to find what I’m looking for…

I want to turn this:

into this:

Also, kudos if is there a way I can modify the check box functionality, to just stay marked, and not cross out the text :frowning:

Try the text below, which uses:

Formatting depends on the theme. Any use?

Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all.

> Software as a service (SaaS) refers to on demand software that is leased from the provider. Platform as a service (PaaS) is when the provider provides the platform for a developer. Infrastructure as a service (laaS) is when key network devices such as routers and firewalls are leased from a provider. Wireless as a service (WaaS) is when a provider provides wireless connectivity at a fixed monthly cost.

Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all.

> [!NOTE]- Note in a Note: Click the Arrow
> Software as a service (SaaS) refers to on demand software that is leased from the provider. Platform as a service (PaaS) is when the provider provides the platform for a developer. Infrastructure as a service (laaS) is when key network devices such as routers and firewalls are leased from a provider. Wireless as a service (WaaS) is when a provider provides wireless connectivity at a fixed monthly cost.

> [!FAQ]+ Note in a Note
> Software as a service (SaaS) refers to on demand software that is leased from the provider. Platform as a service (PaaS) is when the provider provides the platform for a developer. Infrastructure as a service (laaS) is when key network devices such as routers and firewalls are leased from a provider. Wireless as a service (WaaS) is when a provider provides wireless connectivity at a fixed monthly cost.


So you can nested Callouts, which seems to be what you are looking for, if you dont like the format you can also try it with just a Quote inside the Callout.

>[!FAQ] Note
>Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all.
>>[!Quote] Note in note
>>Software as a service (SaaS) refers to on demand software that is leased from the provider. Platform as a service (PaaS) is when the provider provides the platform for a developer. Infrastructure as a service (laaS) is when key network devices such as routers and firewalls are leased from a provider. Wireless as a service (WaaS) is when a provider provides wireless connectivity at a fixed monthly cost.
>Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all. Here is a paragraph of text that says nothing of any importance at all.


Yes I do use a theme, but looks like it worked :smiley:

But in this case I’m gonna go with the second option from @AssassinBear since it doesn’t hide the note.

Both options are absolute savers and I’ll be using yours on the Azue exam notes :smiley:

I’ve only been using Obsidian for a few days and the learning curve of the workflow seems a bit steep :sweat_smile:

Thanks both of you @AssassinBear & @Hampton !

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No worries, I now know how to make a collapsable Callout.
I recommend skimming through and reading through the editing and formating category specifically, most of the different markdown and obsidian specific formatting you can find in there! I’m also pretty new but I thankfully stumbled on the site :slight_smile:

This CSS snippet should take care of the checklist strikethrough / line-through in most themes:

body {
    --checklist-done-decoration: none; /* line-through */
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I just found this in obsidian doc, to not have the text crossed out you just have to use anything other than x in the checkbox.
Problem is that its an x by default when you click on it, so you will have to check boxes by typing, or use a CSS snippet to change global style as ariehen said.

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