As of Osbsidian treat every MD file as the note entity than using some sort of database. It leads to the lack of meta structures to be bound to a note.
I suggest the app to parse the <!-- meta_json_object -->
block at the first line of MD file to treat it as meta info for the name.
It can add up more “option” to a note while maintaining the core benefit of using a physical text file as a note.
'theme': 'theme-name-or-rel-path-to-css-file',
'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], // of course, tag still can be freely added anywhere in the note, but still, imo, it's better to have a fixed structure
'graph': {
'title': 'Special title when see in Graph view', // I have issue with the same Note name in different folder
'color': '#ff0000', // node background color to show in Graph view
'weight': 'auto', // or some sort of number for the size of the node
'hidden': true // sample option for not showing this note in graph...
Then, the Editor can have a panel for config this meta.
The possibility will be endless.
Thanks for the great app.