Notes including invalid characters in file name cannot sync on mobile but no problems on desktop app

If I create a file with a name including invalid characters (ie: question mark) on desktop app it gets synced without any problems. But the same note cannot be synced on the mobile app so does not show up.

The mobile app shows this error: ‘file name with invalid characters cannot be synced’

Is there a reason you ignored and didn’t include the bug report template?

Hello. This is intentional. You are responsible for making sure your filenames are supported in by the filesystem of your target devices.

No, there is no meaningful reason of why I ignored the template. I apologize. When I think about it now, my explanation is that it seemed complicated to understand and implement.

So supported files differ from device to device?

Yes, it depends on what the local filesystem supports. We used to force everybody to a common reduced set of characters but Apple users didn’t want to be constrained by windows limitations and vice versa.

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OK. I understand. Thank you :slight_smile:

Now I realize another issue: creating a file on desktop (with allowed characters in desktop context) you end up with that file not accessible on mobile :man_shrugging: