Notes connected to my blog written in markdown and Jekyll

I hav ea blog with a lot of content about training - - where I have a lot of posts that are interconnected. It was written before Obsidian became part of my notes.

Now I would like to get some ideas, on how I can organize my knowledge and discover connections in the knowledge on the blog, and my notes in Obsidian, so I can improve the knowledge I share.

I was thinking about just bringing in the blog posts, but I cannot figure out how to interconnect the blog posts with the notes in any meaningful way? I cannot just use the permalink-frontmatter from the blog posts as interconnections, which would be awesome, if that was possible, because, then I would already have a lot of connections between the blog posts.

Any ideas?

I’m doing something similar.

Started blogging in 2006. I finally ported all my old posts over to my site (here), but those are in a folder called “_posts” while my obsidian notes are in a folder called _notes. I’m nervous to make any changes because I already set up a ton of redirects, and lost a lot of SEO juice in the process. :frowning:

One thing I’ve done for my newsletter is that I copied all the issues to Obsidian and then used them as a base for integrating them to my notes system.

I do that by creating backlinks from the text and even adding more text where needed. Since I’ve already published them somewhere, I don’t stress over keeping them in original format once they enter my notes system. It’s the digital version of writing notes in the margins of my old paper notes.