- Publish your Obsidian notes with Jekyll for free!

Is there anything inside a note that would cause it to not be shown in feed?
i have pushed 1200 notes to git repo, but only 5 are showing up in feed. Some after i put in a # header after front matter but that doesnt work on the other notes and the front matter is identical except for title. I have no sense of what is obstructing the feed :frowning:

Did you remove the “Season” from the feed ? There is a explanation to do this in the README.

Hello everyone ! Since Maxence doesn’t to seems to be active on github or here, I informe you that I “upgraded” this to :

  • Update (FFI error) Gems
  • Add Jekyll-Spaceship to support MathJax (old version are depreciated) ; Mermaid ; PlantUML ; Table ; Emoji ; Media…
  • Add a support for Lithou Snippet image flags.
  • Add a support for Admonition.
  • Write a python script to convert from Obsidian to GFM, converting Admonition, and support partial vault.

To get more information, in waiting for the PR, you can check everything here : Yet Another Free Publish Alternative (YAFPA)

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I revisited the setup today, removed all the previous content notes and added new ones. Adjusted the feed.html as per the only 1 note is now showing and no tags… i dont quite understand how it all works and where to go looking for tweaking :slight_smile:

i downloaded the deploy zip, it only contains 1 html file under notes.
so the issue must be in the build instructions? and not in the presentation instructions.

doh… i had no frontmatter — title: —
adding that fixed it, all files are now generated. nevermind me. gotta make myself a note on this for next time :smiley:

Is Netlify necessary if you use GitHub Pages? If not, what is the reason to use Netlify?