Not sure a bug or not: plugin still works after disabled

Things I have tried

I’m trying to figure out if must restart obsidian app to completely disable a community plugin or not.

I’ve searched the official help docs, found nothing about this issue.

What I’m trying to do

  1. Install a refresh obsidian(v0.15.9) on my macOS 12.5.
  2. Install and enable community plugin: linter v1.4.3 (author: Victor Tao).
  3. Open options, switch on both Lint on save and Display message on lint.
  4. Create a note, type something, save it, message displayed on the top right corner: 0 characters added, 0 characters removed. Linter works.
  5. Disabled Linter, edit that note then save, still displayed message on the top right corner: 0 characters added, 0 characters removed. Linter still works.
  6. Restart Obsidian app, edit and save, no lint message displayed again.

SO, it seems that disable a plugin must restart obsidian app?
Not sure.

Could you reply me where to find the related docs?
Thanks so much.

sometimes you need to close that pane (not the whole app). Anyway you should report this problem to the plugin dev.

Thanks for reply.
Not familiar with obsidian plugin system.
I’ll try to report this issue to the plugin author.

Finished the testing.

  1. Install and enable linter, switch on those two options.
  2. Open note, save it, has lint message.
  3. Disable plugin, save it, has lint message.
  4. Close note, open any existed note and save it, has lint message.

Must restart Obsidian app to disable linter plugin.

I tried this on Windows 10 and the plugin disables without restarting.

Thanks for testing.

Issued to author: Bug: Not sure a bug or not: plugin still works after disabled · Issue #383 · platers/obsidian-linter · GitHub

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