hi, I’ve searched the forum and have found a few answers to exporting from Obsidian as a PDF on iPad. The option suggested don’t seem to work for me/aren’t an option for me. I also don’t have enough knowledge to know what PDF kit is for iPad. As suggested in this answer. Export to PDF on IPad
What I’m trying to do
I need to export notes in full with hand, drawn images, annotations, etc. to PDF or doc or pages. I’ll be doing a lot of writing in OneNote and using connections to research notes with an obsidian. I need to export the document for publishing to various journals.
Things I have tried
I have researched this forum, tried to use the print function to save as a PDF, looked for plug-ins for the iPad, and had to resort to copying and pasting. Which defeats the purpose of having obsidian for me. I’d be happy to pay for a license. Should this feature be implemented rather rapidly. I can see I’m not the only one who struggled with this. It’s an essential thing.