No good option for Window Frame Style on Mac?

I’m running the latest version of Obsidian (1.6.3) on the latest version of macOS, and I can’t find a satisfactory option for Window Frame Style.

On Hidden, the icon to open the left sidebar appears behind the close/minimise/fullscreen macOS window controls.

On Native frame, 59px of padding appears at the top of the body element. (This is caused by the is-mobile class, which is for some reason being applied to the body element on the Mac).

On Obsidian frame, it is impossible to drag the window.

This happens with all plugins and CSS snippets turned off and with the theme set to Default. I’ve been living with the stupid Default hidden behaviour for months, but when I decided that that was no way to live, I tried the two other options and they were both much worse.

Is there something that I’ve broken in some way? Or is this just how it works?

Can you show a screenshot?

I think maybe you have a theme or CSS snippet issue. I don’t experience what I think you’re describing.

You could try the default theme and turning off any CSS snippets, or go to the Sandbox vault to check there.

Thank you for your reply.

I created a new empty vault with no snippets or plugins and using the default theme, and the problem persists.

Here’s what the window looks like with window frame style Hidden:

And here’s what it looks like with window frame style Native:

It looks fine with window frame style Obsidian, but then the window can’t be dragged around.

Can you please post your “Show Debug Info”?

Do you maybe have a very old Obsidian installer version? Or did you somehow install the mobile version on your desktop? Which might explain that “is-mobile” class you mentioned.

That doesn’t look like what the default theme looks like to me. That really looks like the mobile version.

Ooh. Thanks for your helpful reply. I deleted the app and downloaded it from the Obsidian website. When I reinstalled it, it still looked the same. So deleted it again, and deleted all the preference files and associated things I could find in ~/Library. And after installing it once more, it looks like the screenshot you posted.

Thank you so much for your help with this. I don’t think I’ve ever had the proper Obsidian desktop experience — I look forward to seeing what the Mac version is like for real.

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For the team’s reference, here are a couple of similar cases where there is visual overflow between Obsidian and the macOS traffic lights:

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