New plugin: Optimize Canvas Connections

Hello all! Please welcome my first plugin :grin:

Suppose you start a canvas.

Figure 1

Then you move everything around while you brainstorm. The connections between notes may quickly become a mess.

Figure 2

This simple plugin automatically reconnect all notes together using their nearest edges.

Run command Optimize Canvas Connections: Optimize (shortest path).

Figure 3

For now it can only be installed manually or using BRAT, from this address: GitHub - felixchenier/obsidian-optimize-canvas-connections: An Obsidian plugin that declutters a canvas by reconnecting notes using their nearest edges

Let me know what you think of it, and if it works for you. I may ask to add it to the official repository.



I just pushed a new version where we can now choose to optimize only the selected nodes instead of the whole canvas. Therefore we now have four options:

  • Optimize Canvas Connections: Optimize selection (preserve axes)
  • Optimize Canvas Connections: Optimize canvas (preserve axes)
  • Optimize Canvas Connections: Optimize selection (shortest path)
  • Optimize Canvas Connections: Optimize canvas (shortest path)

Pick your favorites and assign keyboard shortcuts, this is the best way to use it for now.

Also, the plugin is currently being reviewed to be included as an official plugin. I guess it should be available officially in about 2-3 weeks. In the mean time, you can still install it using BRAT: GitHub - felixchenier/obsidian-optimize-canvas-connections: An Obsidian plugin that declutters a canvas by reconnecting notes using their nearest edges


OK I reverted to only two options (preserve axes/shortest path), this time that both apply on the current selection only. To apply on a whole canvas, simply select-all (CMD+A / CTRL+A) before running the command. The reason is that two options are cleaner than four and avoid cluttering the command palette.