New Plugin: Obsidian Soundscapes

Add a music/ambiance player to the status bar to play Lofi beats, nature sounds, ambiance, relaxing music, and more.

Github: GitHub - andrewmcgivery/obsidian-soundscapes: A plugin for Obsidian.MD that adds a music/ambiance player to the status bar to play Lofi beats, nature sounds, ambiance, relaxing music, and more.

Community Plugin Install: Plugins - Obsidian




This is awesome!! Do you think it would be possible to make a music visualiser as a plugin in obsidian?

It seems like it might be possible! Feel free to open an issue on the git repo with what you’d be looking for! :slight_smile:

Listen to your local music library in Obsidian with Soundscapes 1.2.0

New in version 1.2.0 of the Soundscapes plugin, the “My Music” soundscape allows you to have a full music player experience right within Obsidian using your local MP3 music files. Upon selecting your local music folder, the plugin will index your music and occasionally re-index it in the background.

My Music supports playing with the mini-player in the status bar as well as a new dedicated My Music view with a new icon on the Ribbon sidebar once the “My Music” soundscape is selected. You can close this view and the music will continue playing.

Within the My Music view, you can play, pause, next, previous, seek, shuffle, and search.