New Plugin: MathJax extended + preamble

Thank you for the great work, I love this!

Is it possible to add different packages in the preamble somehow? It is straightforward to edit the plugin to load the packages, e.g. in main.ts I could load the tensor package:

        o.loader = { load: ['[tex]/mhchem', '[tex]/bussproofs', '[tex]/tensor'] };
        o.tex.packages = { '[+]': ['mhchem', 'bussproofs', 'tensor']};

But then I would need to fork it, create my own plug in, and then pull from upstream every time you update. And presumably every user would need to do the same depending on what packages they need, which would be a bit of a mess. I’d love for a way to add MathJax extensions within this plugin!

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