New plugin: Daily note calendar

Hello everybody,

A couple of weeks ago I decided to write a plugin that let’s you navigate the notes in your vault using a calendar view.

Some of the features that are supported right now:

  • Use templates to build the name of a note (just like the daily note plugin)
  • Use templates for the folder where the note should be created (this allows you to store daily notes in the folder for the current year without specifying the exact year)
  • Create multiple periodic notes
    • Daily notes
    • Weekly notes
    • Monthly notes
    • Quarterly notes
    • Yearly notes
  • View all notes created on the day you selected in the calendar

Beacause it’s the first plugin I’ve ever written dor Obsidian I’d like your feedback and suggestions for improving the plugin.

View the source on Github.

I hope you’ll enjoy the plugin and I’d be happy to hear your feedback!


The existing Calendar plugin does those things. (Altho your timing is good because right now it has an annoying bug.)

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Hello, yes that’s true for now. But my vision is to make this calendar another method to navigate tour vault based on the dates of a note. And as far as the calendar part goes, Ive decided to write my own because the existing calendar plugin couldn’t open my daily notes because the name template was different than the default daily notes template. And I’ve tried to make it work in that plugin but I didn’t understand the code of the plugin. Given that I wanted more out of it anyway, I thought it might be easier just to create my own. And, at least it is a lot of fun to do so.