New plugin: Daf Yomi

A few quick updates:

  • We’re now on Tractate Nazir! There weren’t any updates needed for the plugin, so things should just work. If you find a problem, reply here or open an issue.
  • I made a fix last week that greatly improves the date handling. if you find you are getting the wrong daf for a particular day (that shouldn’t happen anymore), please reply here or open an issue.
  • I have a few improvements that I will try to get to soon. Don’t hesitate to make more suggestions.
  • I see the plugin has exceeded 1000 downloads (see here)! I hope you all are finding it useful.

Hi there. It seems to be stuck on Nazir (i.e., 67, 68, etc.) instead of rolling onto Sotah starting w/ 2. Is there anything I should be doing to get the plugin onto the new tractate?

Hi @catsynth, Thanks for your message and I’m sorry to have taken awhile to get to it. I will try to update the plugin in the next day or so.

I’ll note that the Steinsaltz center, which used to provide PDFs of the dafim, no longer seems to do so. In fact, right now the website does not seem to work at all. I think the are transitioning to a new site. I had been looking into what to do, but I think I’ll just leave that out for now, which is a shame.

Again, thanks for your patience. I’ll make a note here when the plug-in is updated. I’m glad you are using it! – Adam

Hi @lyonsquark so sorry for not replying sooner myself :slight_smile:
I’ve actually been adding the new tractates myself, and made a pull request that currently goes up through Sanhedrin. I made a pull request if you’d like to bring it into the main repo.

As for the Steinsaltz center, I haven’t been able to figure out the new links, so just used the old pattern for now.
