This plugging deserves an award! I used to do everything this plugging does manually, and it wasn’t very “clean.” This is amazing. Thank you!
Hi everyone,
brief question if anyone else experiences a similar issue.
I installed the plugin on the latest version of Obsidian on Mac.
In the preferences I defined the notes folder and created it in my vault. When I try to add a new note I get an error that the folder is not available and I should create it.
I checked it on the file system, iCloud, and it is actually there.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin doesnt help. Any idea?
Ok, got it. I has to be the exact name “Reading notes”, then it works
Hi, I want to make a note for each author from the {{authorString}}. Could you suggest me how I can achieve this? I tried doing [[{{authorString}}]], but this makes a note with the name of all the authors.
Thank you very much.
@aman I use this:
{{#each}}[[Authors/{{#if}}{{}}, {{#if this.given}}{{this.given}}{{else}}{{…/authorString}}{{/if}}{{/if}}|{{#if}}{{}}, {{#if this.given}}{{this.given}}{{else}}{{…/authorString}}{{/if}}{{/if}}]]; {{/each}}
It results in a note for each author, placed in the /Authors/ folder like
[[Authors/LastName1, FirstName1]]; [[Authors/LastName2, Firstname2]], but the | part means Obsidian automatically renders it with just the “LastName, First Name” format.
if you don’t want them inside an Authors/ folder you can just remove that part
Is there a way to use dataview to show only the literature cited in the markdown file that you tagged? I.e. you cite some literature with [@Foran2016]
and the dataview only shows those cited, instead of tag them with #literature/thesis
as in your showcase?
Is there a way to automatically create the literature note when inserting the citekey?
Right now when I insert a citation it is a link to a non existent note, and if I use the citation command “open literature note” it will create it. On the other hand, if I just click on the link it will create an empty note, not the templated one.
I checked the github repo for the plugin and there is an open issue with no solution, and the last commit was six months ago. Is the plugin still being developed?
@matteo - the command “Insert literature note link” is supposed to do exactly this. Have you tried that one?
I see the developer on the forums frequently. I would venture that the plugin has been fairly stable of late, hence the lack of recent updates.
I see, thank you. I was using the “Insert Markdown citation” command and expected that to do the same thing, but the “insert markdown citation” does not create the linked note. I’ll rebind the hotkey I use.
I’m having the issue where it says this:
The citation database path is: H:\Documents\Zotero-Library.json
Citation database format: CSL-JSON
Tried this both on a Macbook and PC running Windows 10.
Hello! I am getting an “Unable to Load Citiations, please update citations plugin settings”
I have tried several iterations of My Library.bib, even just with one brand new item in it with only the description and author fields. Using BibLatex format. Have full path to bib file defined. Not sure what’s going on?
It is working for me…
Hi, the citations appear to be loaded when I do ctrl+shift+E but when I click enter nothing appears on the note page. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I get this error:
Note: Everything works when I select “Insert Markdown Citation” and “insert literature note content in the current panel”, just not for “Insert literature note link” or “open literature note”
Sadly, I don’t think there is a way to do so as you want it. I usually add citations manually as I go and put the file in a document for organization purposes.
Either way, I’m not sure why would you want to add a thousand+ files suddenly in your vault, which could be very barren (unless you modify the template in the plugin)? I mean, either way, you have to add the information for each citation anyway… Unless I’m not understanding your question correctly?
@HannahRoseKirk - This looks like the folder the plugin is looking for doesn’t exist.
What’s in this part of your Citation plugin settings?
If it’s a non-existent folder, the note creation will error with the message you saw. If you have a folder specified, try creating it.
Is there any way to get Zotero IDs of a given item, as a value to use in template ?
e.g. : In this URI : zotero://open-pdf/library/items/DWDDHZU3
It could be used as {{entry.zoteroID[i]}}
where i
is the attachment number of a given Zotero item.
I would like to add my Zotero storage inside my vault : Zotero IDs would allow to get a cross-platform relative paths to my PDFs.
Thanks !
Thanks! This was the problem - I didn’t realise you had to pre-create the literature note folder in the vault.
When defining a custom variable with multiple values (e.g. see fileRelative below) in the BibLaTeX file, it seems it can’t be accessed using data.entry.fields :
title = {The Study of Orchestration},
author = {Adler, Samuel},
date = {2002},
edition = {3rd ed},
publisher = {{W.W. Norton}},
location = {{New York}},
isbn = {978-0-393-97572-7},
pagetotal = {839},
keywords = {1,music theory,orchestration},
file = {D\:\\Software\\Zotero\\storage\\DWDDHZU3\\Adler - 2002 - The study of orchestration.pdf;D\:\\Software\\Zotero\\storage\\EB6ADAID\\Orchestration_Adler.pdf;D\:\\Software\\Zotero\\storage\\J6FYUPXG\\instrument_ranges.pdf;D\:\\Software\\Zotero\\storage\\KVJWM5SY\\instrument_names.pdf},
fileRelative = {Zotero\\storage\\DWDDHZU3\\Adler - 2002 - The study of orchestration.pdf;Zotero\\storage\\EB6ADAID\\Orchestration_Adler.pdf;Zotero\\storage\\J6FYUPXG\\instrument_ranges.pdf;Zotero\\storage\\KVJWM5SY\\instrument_names.pdf}
When using {{[0]}}
or {{[1]}}
in Citations’ template, nothing appears in the note created (no error log in Obsidian console either).
I would appreciate any help you can provide, thanks !
hi ,i had got this problem too,could you tell how to do to fix this bug, thx