New plugin: Citations (with Zotero)

Thanks for clarifying, @atiz!
No, I don’t see anything similar to the screenshots in the threads above. No reference list, not autocomplete option, etc.

Here’s an example of what I mean: When I type in the [[]] brackets, a list for autocomplete shows up. I’m expecting that since Zotero is already imported, I should see the Citekey in my autocomplete list when I start typing “sutton.” Unfortunately, it’s not the case.

That’s not exactly how it’s supposed to be. When you center [[ the autocomplete will show you all notes you have. But just importing references doesn’t mean that you already have literature notes. You first have to create them by the hotkey. You can go into the Obsidian settings and under “Hotkeys” filter for “Citations”. There you can see or redefine the hotkeys. If they still don’t work after you redefined them, maybe you have to open the developer console with Alt + Cmd + I and see if there is an error when you press them, so @jgauthier can look at it.

Also the links to the literature note don’t send you to Zotero, they send you to the literature note. You have to put {{zoteroSelectURI}} in the template, in order to add the link to Zotero into the literature notes automatically.

I’m not sure if all those other files, the image files etc., are in your “Litertaure notes” folder. I think this folder should only contain literature notes. Maybe that’s the problem.

After setting the hotkey, now it works!!! Thanks a lot!!!
P.S. I don’t have two forum accounts. I just registered to this forum a hour ago and changed my username. :smiley:
P.S.2. My other files are not in the “Literature Notes” folder. My attempt was to show that it was empty.

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@phlind, using the embedded search tool with the citekey is super smart I really like this and added it to my template. Thanks.

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Thank you very much for creating this incredibly useful plugin, including the pandoc-style markdown citation much appreciated!

In the plugin settings, in Literature note content template, I’ve tried to make a template inspired by the mdNotes batch export template, shown in this post: Zotero best practices - #118 by PR-C

However, I’ve experienced some issues using the template included below, perhaps because I’ve close-to-zero experience with this stuff :sweat_smile:

  • some fields (e.g. page or page range) do not show while these contain data in Zotero.
  • links to attached file are not imported/shown
  • abstract is not imported
  • note lists and content are not imported

Could you please guide me (towards sources) to make a fully functional template. Also, I’m open to alternative templates as this is a first version I’ve drafted just now.

Wishing you a pleasent sunday!





Item Type: {{itemType}}
Author(s): {{author}}
Proceeding Title: {{proceedingsTitle}}
Date: {{date}}
Date added: {{dateAdded}}
URL: {{url}}
DOI: {{DOI}}
Cite key: [[{{citekey}}]]
Topics: {{collections}}
Tags: {{tags}} #zotero, #literature-notes, #reference
[Link to pdf]({{file}}

  • {{pdfAttachments}}
  • {{localLibrary}}
  • {{cloudLibrary}}



Notes and Highlights




@Opi You are using Zotero API…

The possible variables for the citations plugin templates can be found in the plugin settings:

  • Abstract = {{abstract}} (not: {{abstractNote}} like in Zotero!)
  • you can’t import your Zotero notes, as far as I know…
  • pdf attachment is not {{pdfAttachments}} as in Zotero, but {{entry.files.[0]}} (this has been mentioned further up in this thread…)

@alltagsverstand Thank you for the quick reply, this is much appreciated!

TL;DR (Especially) if I interpreted your message correctly, I’ll take more time and be more thorough in my attempt to understand and fix future issues.

Based on the …, I feel like I should apologize for the lack of effort invested in understanding this plugin and perhaps APIs in general. Although I’ve read the thread, looked at the mdNotes guide and citations plugin documentation, I’ll take more time and be more thorough in my attempt to understand and fix future issues.

No problem, wasn’t meant in such a way! I don’t think it is important to have an understanding of APIs in general - you should just be aware that variables can differ among different applications!

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Hi everyone,

I am wondering if the plugin has the functionality where it watches the CSL-JSON/Bibtex file for changes and automatically updates the reference list? As far as I know, this doesn’t work without a restart/refresh of the loaded library so I can’t immediately pull a reference that was added to Zotero. It’d be nice if it’d automatically refresh/watch the file every few seconds.

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I have the same question here.

You don’t have to reload the library - if you add a new citation in zotero, it is integrated immediately

I’m not able to replicate this feature. It doesn’t integrate immediately for me.

Are you using BetterBibtex in zotero? Have you set automatic export to “on change”?

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I’m using BetterBibtex and it is setup to export to CSL-JSON “onChange”. I just tested it by adding references and I can see that it is making the export when the change was made. However, when I tried to add the item using “Insert Literature…” option, it did not show up in the search list.

:thinking: As it is working for me, the plugin should at least have this feature… :wink: : No idea why it isn’t working for you…

Okay, looks like I figured out why it isn’t working. The path to the CSL-JSON file was located inside Google Drive File Stream path. For whatever reason, the changes to a file inside this repository isn’t being picked up by the plugin / obsidian. When I changed the export path to a normal local /Users/ path, it picked up the change. Perhaps, a bug? Could you try and see if you can reproduce this? Thanks in advance.

@raivivek I am not the developer of the plugin… :wink:

I can’t try to reproduce this as I am not using Google Drive - but if you think this is a bug, you might better report it here

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Thanks for this great plugin !
I’m looking to improve my configuration a little bit. Mdnotes proposes something that I find very useful and that I would like to integrate in the “citations” plugin: the possibility to directly insert a wikilink in the name of the authors.

Would it be possible to consider an option for this ? An adaptation of “authorString” allowing to generate

[[Surname Name]] [[Surname Name]]

Instead of

Surname Name, Surname Name


Hey. I’m here to say that I love your plugin. It is now an indispensable part of my workflow. I absolutely love it.
If there is one friction I noticed, was that when I search for citationkeys it fails to find them. I don’t know if that’s intentional or not, but if you could add the ability to search for citationkeys as well, it would be great!
Again thank you for your amazing plugin!