New Plugin: Canvas Daily Note

Brand new plugin that allows you to add a daily note node to the canvas that will always show todays note. Helpful for creating a “dashboard” in Obsidian that is always ready for you daily!

Git Repo: GitHub - andrewmcgivery/obsidian-canvas-dailynote: A plugin for Obsidian that allows you to add a daily note node to the canvas that will always show todays note.
Install: Plugins - Obsidian



Thank you for this plugin. Do you think you could adapt it for use with excalidraw as well? I prefer a dashboard with excalidraw to canvas, because it’s more customizable, and it’s the thing I’ve been missing for some time, being able to have a dashboard on excalidraw with an automatic daily note.

This transforms my daily routine. You’ve come up with a simple function that has become immediately essential. Thank you.

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I’ll have to look into it!

This plugin sounds exactly what I need, but I installed it today, the button appears in my canvases but does nothing when I click it…
Did this break with the latest updates?