New plugin: Alias Management

Today I am pleased to release my first plugin Alias Management to help find duplicate notes based on multiple similar aliases.

A detailed description can be found on GitHub. Let me provide a brief overview of the core features and settings:

  • Add filenames to aliases: Toggle to include filenames as aliases.
  • Sort multi-word filenames alphabetically: Arrange filenames with multiple words alphabetically. For example, to go becomes go to.
  • Sort multi-word aliases alphabetically: Arrange aliases with multiple words alphabetically.
  • Ignore capitalization: Toggle to disregard capitalization differences in aliases and filenames. For example, NOTE is treated as note.
  • Exclude files: Exclude files located within specified folder paths. Paths should be comma-separated and relative to the root.
  • Replace aliases: Define regular expressions to replace specific patterns within aliases. For instance, special characters can be replaced with spaces.
  • Exclude aliases: Define regular expressions to exclude specific aliases. This can be useful for filtering out common or irrelevant aliases.
  • Descending order: Sort the lists of duplicate aliases in descending order based on the number of occurrences.
  • Open notes side by side: Enable to open notes side by side, facilitating easier comparison between files.

There are more features in the pipeline:

  • Search for aliases
  • Make generated aliases available in backlinks/mentions (possibly)

Check out GitHub for more details.

Feedback is greatly appreciated.