The root parent tag is / and should be displayed as such in the Tags tab, and a value of 3 should be displayed on its right (as is shown for all parent tags).
Actual result
Blank tag name and no total tag count for child tags. See screenshot.
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Thanks for the response. Ideally the user would be prompted to fix their tags else the UI ends up looking broken rather than unsupported.
The reason for me doing this was to try and group tags which I use more like folders / categories together, leaving only inline tags on the root level, such as #fixme, so only these get suggested when typing. Presumably I can use a character other than / as the root parent tag for this purpose. I went with / mostly because I thought it looked good and was easier to type as #/a/b/c over #-/a/b/c, or #folders/a/b/c for example.