Nested Embeds

I would like to:

  1. embed Page-A into Page-B, then
  2. embed Page-B into Page-C, and
  3. have Page-A be visible on both Page-B and Page-C

I just had a random idea on how this could be implemented…
Currently “nested embeds” appear like a file embed, and in my proposal that does not change. However, rather than an “open in default app” button, they get a button that loads the embed in place.
This solves the potential issue of the infinite loop of embeds because the embeds would only get loaded when you click the button manually. Also it doesn’t bog down the initial page load if you have embeds many levels deep.

In addition to this, you could include a button to re-collapse the embed, turning it into a kind of fold/unfold option like has been requested here: Displaying Linked Notes Inline. (Block referencing alternative)


That sound like a good way to handle this. :+1:

Use case

I’m working with laws and usually embed the relevant articles in my notes. Being able to create an article for a concept that consists of several parts (with embedded law) would be very useful.

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Currently “nested embeds” appear like a file embed, and in my proposal that does not change. However, rather than an “open in default app” button, they get a button that loads the embed in place.

I would like to second that - seems reasonable and at the moment I can’t seem to be able to open the nested note at all (a new instance of Obsidian starts instead).

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