Nested blockquotes becoming lists on newline

Steps to reproduce

Paste >>a and >>>>a into obsidian and hit enter.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide?

Yes, this is reproducible in the sandbox vault.

Expected result

The blockquote should continue at the same depth on a new line.

Actual result

Hitting enter after >>a starts a bulleted list, and hitting it after >>>>a starts a numbered list within one layer of quote.


	Obsidian version: v1.8.4
	Installer version: v1.7.5
	Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 24.2.0: Fri Dec  6 19:01:59 PST 2024; root:xnu-11215.61.5~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 24.2.0
	Login status: logged in
	Language: en
	Catalyst license: none
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


I can’t seem to reproduce any list items hitting enter after either of these.

source mode | live preview | reading

CleanShot 2025-02-01 at 15.37.27

Seems odd, for sure. You could try updating your installer, though I don’t think that will matter much here. You never know. Also, if you have another device, try there.

I can’t reproduce either.

I have a similar issue since 1.8.4. Hitting enter from within a blockquote inserts a - instead of >. I can post more details after my exam on Monday.


If anybody can post a screen recording of this happening in the sandbox vault, that would be awesome.

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You need to have a list before the callout. Then you can reproduce this bug.

Ok! This seems another manifestation of this problem:

will be fixed 1.8.5


I hope this also helps:

blinking lights3

I’ve downgraded to 1.7.7 (mainly because of this, actually) but for some reason the issue of the current topic persists.

obsidian list indent bug

it automatically inserts - on new line if there was a list anywhere above on the page AND prev. line is indented, no matter callout or code blocks…

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