I’m trying to have a kind of sorting, like a tree view, where i can place notes below other notes to visually show them belonging together, similar as how notes are shown when placed in folders, with the folder atop and the notes after indented.
Things I have tried
Nothing yet. I also would like to avoid using different naming schemas or johnny decimals etc.
Using Folders is possible ofcourse, but i’d like to avoid stacking folders in folders, as i’m trying to avoid deeply nested structures.
Might anyone have a solution or suggestion for how i might achieve nested notes without using folders with Johnny Decimal or similar naming convention?
Maybe anyone can offer me a tip for a etter way to manage my notes?
Thank you ariehen, for your suggestions, i will take a look at those points later.
Just wanted to clarify, what i meant with “nested notes”.
When i have a folder, which then contains a note, the note gets indented to show it is a child of the folder in the hirarchy.
I would like to have such an indentation for child-notes, which i want to append below the first note, to make it visually clear that note-2 is related to note-1.
If i would use numbers in the notes, whenever i add something new, or want to reorder notes, i would have to manually rename everything involved, to keep it clear and clean.
Something like this? (sorry, formatting might not be clear, i could not get the indentation to show in the comment otherwise)
Obsidian is just using plain text .md files (notes) and folders on disk, and doesn’t have a concept of parent or child notes if that’s what you are getting at.
Two things comes to mind when you write this, one of them is to use folder notes where you designing the nesting through folders and since you’ve got folder notes with the same names you get the illusion of nested notes.
The other alternative, would be to use some breadcrumbs plugin and build up a connection using that to create the nesting you want. This would then allow for navigating the structure, but possibly not displaying it in an overall view.
The third(?) of my two options, would be to look into the Excalidraw plugin, which also offers way to connect and link notes, even though I’ve personally not used it that much.