Navigating a SMD file share on Android

Use case or problem

The file app on my Samsung phone allows me to connect to a NAS. I was trying to navigate to it but obsidian doesn’t have the option to select network attached storage.

My Samsung file browser.

What obsidian opens.

The use case is syncing obsidian vaults between devices from a NAS with active directory.

Proposed solution

A native option to connect as a client to a file share or using the correct default file browser.

Current workaround (optional)

I currently use syncthing to maintain the copy on the file share and my phone. On my laptop and desktop my NAS is auto mounted at startup.


Its the same on my Xiaomi. I would also love to connect to my network drive to sync vaults! :heart:

Really want to open the vault on my NAS directly. Just so I don’t fill my phone harddrive with every file.