Navigate forward/backwards mouse buttons does not work on separate window

If you have a mouse with lateral backward/forward buttons for navigating, like this

It will work properly in obsidian to navigate trough notes, but if used on a secondary window, it will not work.

Edit: while remapping the mouse key to match obsidian default hotkey for navigation is a solution, this is nonethless a bug.
It’s a bug.

It seems that the forward/backward option is not compatible with separated window. An interim solution is to set a hotkey to Navigate back/forward , and bind the hotkey in your mouse’s driver.

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For me it works but I get an error “the tab is currently busy”


Can you show the output of “show debug info command” and check that this problem happens in the sandbox vault?

Forward/backward mouse buttons are now working for me in separate windows with Obsidian v1.7.1.

macOS 14.6.1 / Logitech MX Master 3S / Logi Options+ installed

CleanShot 2024-08-28 at 08.08.55