Native EPUB Support

I agree with an importer function would be great.
Actually, I wondered whether the above mentioned plugin coule be extended to do that, seeing that it was able to grab the TOC.

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I wonder what’s the matter with integrating this as an obsidian main plugin:

It seems like a very elegant solution. Being fully integrated would hopefully make unnecessary the cumbersome adding of paths in metadata.

Ideally, it would just create an annotation file as soon as annotations are being used, quietly in the background, in the same folder as EPUB/PDF and with the same name

From the github:

The plugin is based on, but modified to store the annotations in a local markdown file instead of on the internet.

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@zettelstraum @Archie I’ve just released a plugin which contains an ePub to markdown note convertor. It may be of interest:

You were correct on this, it was very easy to implement - just read the zip and then use Obsidian’s built-in HTML-to-markdown function.

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