My warmth theme


Great theme!

The image is not showing for some reason though… :thinking:

V1. In preview mode, the scroll bar is not at the far right of the page, and a horizontal scroll bar appears below.

sorry for delay in response. i’m a teacher and was dealing with end of year chaos.

the preview mode was displaying text across entire screen and was hard too long to read comfortably. the best fix i could get was to change width of preview panel. obsidian app updated ability to set width in v.0.7.0 so i just removed that setting in my theme. you can update and it looks better now.

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where are you not seeing the image? is it the preview image? it displays on the github page and on the community theme page in the obsidian app. depending on internet connection, it might take a minute to load on the community themes page in the app. the themes are listed alphabetically and mine comes at the end. all the other theme previews have to load first. probably should have named the theme “aaaawarmth” to guarantee it shows up first in the list, huh?

Hi! I meant the image in the forum post I think.

Sorry about the alphabetically listing, we recently added search though, hopefully that would help people discover your theme!

I really love your theme. But on V2 there is a bug when trying to do horizontal split. The bottom stays empty and no note can go in it.

Thanks for you time.

Thanks a lot for this one! Love it, it’s my daily driver.

Here are some improvements I’ve found:

/* fix the code blocks background highlighting */
.theme-light .token.operator,
.theme-light .token.entity,
.theme-light .token.url,
.theme-light .language-css .token.string,
.theme-light .style .token.string {
  background: transparent;

/* fix the checkbox indent */
.markdown-preview-view ul > li.task-list-item {
    list-style: none;
    margin-left: 0;
    text-indent: -25px;

/* fix the margin after every indented ul/ol and p block */
.markdown-preview-view p,
.markdown-preview-view ul,
.markdown-preview-view ol {
  margin-bottom: 0;

I really love this theme - thanks for sharing it. I’ve installed the calendar third party plugin and with the Warmth theme, the calendar doesn’t resize itself to fit the right-hand panel. And there are no scroll bars. I’m not sure how to fix this so that the whole calendar resizes to fit? Is there a css snippet I can add to the new css snippets?

I don’t know about the calendar. I’ve only started playing with 3rd party extensions. I’ll take a look and let you know what I can figure out.

Happy you like the theme. There are few little tweaks I want to make on it. Any requests on fixes you would like to see?

the calendar widget is a table that scales as needed. i tried forcing smaller sizes and it gets unusable. instead, you can add the following to give it a horizontal slider:

#calendar-container {
overflow-x: scroll;

i’m not maintaining this theme anymore. there’s a lot that needs to be updated and i don’t really want to take the time (unless there’s demand).

my new theme is al-dente and is far more refined. i’ve updated a version with colors similar to warmth. please take it for a spin and let me know what you think. changes and updates to that theme will be much easier than fixing warmth.

Hi there, I don’t believe your amazing new theme is on the community theme list ,would you like to add it?

That would be awesome! I just updated the repository with a screenshot. Thank you!

Great! Could you follow the examples and make a pull request here to update both commuity-themes.json and community-css-thtmes.json? If you don’t have the time I can submit it for you too:

That’s cool - I’ll check out your new theme.