My Personal Laucher in Linux

Hi i’m working on my personal needs laucher in Linux.
obviously every desktop enveriopment launch in diferents ways the lauchers scripts.
edits yours .desktop files or add to your start shipts …

My needs are:
1- Don’t launch two obsidian bin.
2- Create every first day on month create a list with custumer list in my kanban board, if the is created skip it an show me a notification.
3- Erase all checks in my todo list


if [ $(pgrep obsidian -lf | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n 1p) == "electron" ]; then
zenity --info --text="Obsidian is all ready launch" --width=280 --height=180 --timeout=20
if [ "$(echo "## $(date +%Y-%B | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')")" == "$(cat ~/Bodega/Obsidian/"Cobros y Pagos" | grep $(date +%Y-%B | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'))" ]; then
echo "The Date is all ready add"
echo "
## $(date +%Y-%B | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')

- [ ] 1 Customer
- [ ] 2 Customer
- [ ] 3 Customer
- [ ] 4 Customer
- [ ] 5 Customer
- [ ] 6 Customer
- [ ] 7 Customer
- [ ] 8 Customer
- [ ] 9 Customer
- [ ] 10 Customer
- [ ] 11 Customer

" >> ~/Bodega/Obsidian/""
sed -i '/- \[x\]/d' ~/Bodega/Obsidian/
/usr/bin/obsidian %U

Obsidian binary file
Edit your .desktop file or/and start file.
Zenity to show a notifications if you need it

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