My Obsidian Workflow|Recommended Plugins and Configurations

Obsidian Template

1. Introduction

This repository stores the Obsidian template I use, which includes the following features:

  1. Unified Attachment Storage
    1. Images are stored locally or accessed from an image hosting service (upload images by pasting/dragging).
    2. Other attachments are stored in the Attachment folder.
  2. Local Drawing with Excalidraw
    1. Custom Chinese fonts
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.20.53@2x.png
    2. Custom library of commonly used assets
    3. Use the Slideshow plugin for canvas presentations
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.40.13.gif
    4. Use the Mindmap plugin for quick mind mapping
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.48.54.gif
  3. Integrated Obsidian Copilot (requires OpenAI API)
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.53.44.gif
  4. Integrated Obsidian browser
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.58.14.gif
  5. Code highlighting
  6. Run markdown code snippets directly
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 18.01.45.gif
  7. UI styled like Github
  8. Hidden menu scrolling
  9. Synchronize with Github

2. How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    cd Desktop
    git clone
  2. Delete the .git file, file, and Placeholder.txt file:

    cd ObsidianTemplate
    rm -rf .git
    rm -rf
    cd ..
    find ./ObsidianTemplate -name "Placeholder.txt" -delete
  3. Create a new .git file and configure the repository or use iCloud for synchronization:

    cd ~/Desktop/ObsidianTemplate
    git init 
    git add .
    git commit -m "initial commit"

    If you use iCloud for synchronization, use the following command and skip steps 4 and 5 (if your iCloud file location is different, please modify it accordingly):

    mv ~/Desktop/ObsidianTemplate ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents

    Turn off the Obsidian Git plugin.

  4. Add a remote repository:

    git remote add origin <your repo link.git>
    git push --set-upstream origin main
  5. Set the automatic backup time for the Obsidian Git plugin:

    It is recommended to set it to back up every 10 minutes.

3. Directory Structure

Obsidian Template

├── // README document
├── Attachment // Attachments
│     └── Placeholder.txt // Placeholder file to ensure the folder's existence
│     └── Copilot // AI conversation copies
│     └── Excalidraw // Excalidraw whiteboard
│     └── Templates // Obsidian template files
└── Plugins // Plugins
│   └── Excalidraw 
│        └── Fonts // Fonts
│             └── DongJingJieJiaoDeXiaoLangMan-2 // Chinese Excalidraw-style fonts
│        └── Library // Drawing assets
│        └── Scripts // Scripts
│             └── Downloaded // Downloaded from third-party
└── Source // Resource files for storing Pdf, Epub, Hand-Write-Notes, etc.
│     └── Placeholder.txt // Placeholder file to ensure the folder's existence
└── .git // Git configuration files (should be deleted manually)
└── .obsidian // Obsidian configuration files
     └── plugins // Plugin files
     └── themes // Theme files
     └── xxx.json // Shortcut keys, workspaces, plugin configuration file

4. Other Information

  • For Excalidraw drawing, you can use the Raycast plugin to get vector images from the icons8 website.

    See details: Raycast Store: Icons8
