Multiuser cooperation over network shared vault

Use case or problem

When using Obsidian “offline” at work on a Network drives, it’s annoying to have your tabs overwritten by someone else.

Proposed solution

Obsidian should allow commercial license holders to note which device is using the app. Nicknames could be given for each device. Each device can have its own plug-ins activation list, workspace file, workspaces file, and the File Recovery feature could list which device was responsible for which changes/snapshots.

Current workaround (optional)

I have to tell everyone else to close their Obsidian first so that I can save the workspaces and tabs as I am the primary user.

Online Sync is not a solution in this case as it would not be allowed.

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You can already solve this. Use this setting under Settings > Files & Links, and set your own config folder:

Alan is correct, using a different config folder for each user will solve the conflict in settings.

Regarding coordination/conflict resolution on the vault’s content you could have a copy of the vault on each computer locally and One copy in a shared network location. You can then use git, either directly or via the plugin. You could use a third party sync solution that operates on network drives.

Also support this feature request:

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